
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch, 2024 */

// TODO: Once https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/22160 and
// https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/46011 is fixed, update
// @typedef(import(...)) to @import to avoid re-exporting the typedefs

/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
// needed for typescript type resolution
import Component from "./component";
import Event from "./event";
import Time from "./time";

 * The weekday, 1 = SUNDAY, 7 = SATURDAY. Access via
 * @typedef {Number} weekDay
 * @memberof ICAL.Time

 * Possible frequency values for the FREQ part
 * @typedef {String} frequencyValues
 * @memberof ICAL.Recur

 * This object is returned by {@link ICAL.Event#getOccurrenceDetails getOccurrenceDetails}
 * @memberof ICAL.Event
 * @typedef {Object} occurrenceDetails
 * @property {Time} recurrenceId       The passed in recurrence id
 * @property {Event} item              The occurrence
 * @property {Time} startDate          The start of the occurrence
 * @property {Time} endDate            The end of the occurrence

 * The state for parsing content lines from an iCalendar/vCard string.
 * @private
 * @memberof ICAL.parse
 * @typedef {Object} parserState
 * @property {designSet} designSet           The design set to use for parsing
 * @property {Component[]} stack             The stack of components being processed
 * @property {Component} component           The currently active component

 * A jCal component.
 * TODO: Properly typedef this when https://github.com/hegemonic/catharsis/pull/70
 * is merged. Documentation is ignored until this can be documented properly.
 * @example
 *     ["vevent", [...properties here...], [...components here...] ]
 * @ignore
 * @typedef {Array} jCalComponent
 * @property {String} 0               The component name
 * @property {jCalProperty[]} 1       The properties of this component
 * @property {jCalComponent[]} 2      The subcomponents of this component

 * A designSet describes value, parameter and property data. It is used by
 * ther parser and stringifier in components and properties to determine they
 * should be represented.
 * @memberof ICAL.design
 * @typedef {Object} designSet
 * @property {Object} value       Definitions for value types, keys are type names
 * @property {Object} param       Definitions for params, keys are param names
 * @property {Object} property    Definitions for properties, keys are property names
 * @property {boolean} propertyGroups  If content lines may include a group name

 * The jCal Geo type. This is a tuple representing a geographical location.
 * The first element is the Latitude and the second element is the Longitude.
 * TODO: Properly typedef this when https://github.com/hegemonic/catharsis/pull/70
 * @typedef {Array} Geo
 * @property {Number} 0     Latitude
 * @property {Number} 1     Longitude

export const _ = {};